First World

Categories: International, Econ

Seemingly an archaic term today, classifying countries into the first, second, and third world was a ranking that developed during the Cold War. Of course the United States and western, developed, capitalist countries deemed themselves to be of the first world, and well, everyone else was considered to be lower status, especially communist countries and those aligned with the Soviets.

Characteristics of first world countries include political and economic stability, which support a strong democracy. This means that first world countries have a stable currency, the rule of law prevails, and citizens of these countries enjoy a high standard of living as measured by GDP and HDI values.

Narrowly pegging countries into one of three categories based upon political and economic values that align with the United States was a way to generate support for political hegemony masked as heroic actions to stop Soviet powers from taking countries into a lower classification if they were not allowed to pursue democracy and capitalism. While one might justify that communism created economic hardship for its people, and kept countries from developing into first world countries, such as North Korea, there are also those who argue that the United States, which has moved into lower rankings in the HDI categories, is no longer a first world country.

Academics have moved away from this first, second, and third world classification system. Countries are extremely complex, and this simplistic way of looking at the world has moved to assessing countries on a development spectrum instead. A lot of this seems to fall in line with self-actualization movements and how people view themselves.

Our nomination: Mars as Fourth World.

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finance a la shmoop. what are emerging markets? well a market is any place in


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friends online edible underwear business. well the above are mature markets or [edible underwear website shown]


economically mature anyway. emerging markets are generally new players to a


given area of interest. today Latin America is becoming a mature market it


even hosted an Olympics. but thirty years ago still reeling from corrupt dictators


in various flavors Latin America was emerging. after the war in Vietnam was


done and the Napalm had been hosed off that smiling seagulls, this entire region [napalm exploding]


became a market that investors took seriously as they came to leverage their


relatively educated and industrious workforces who assembled computer [factory workers put together products]


circuit boards portable CD players and those weird electronic dogs that were


pretty sure can see into your soul. well the concept of emerging markets also


applies to product areas it doesn't just have to be a geography you know a


country or countries. in 1995 the internet itself was an emerging product


market. it had never existed before. it was very small for about oh five [America online pictured]


minutes. and then it emerged. today there are essentially zero businesses that


aren't internet businesses. it has emerged.

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