
Categories: Company Management

Wouldn’t it be cool if we could set our own 40-hour workweek schedule? Maybe we’d come in at 10 in the morning and stay late, or maybe we’d come in at 5:00 and leave early. Maybe we’d work weekends and take Mondays and Tuesdays off. Anyone here belong to a union?

Many employers have agreed that this sure would be cool, and they offer this option to their employees. They call it flextime (or “flexitime” if you’re British), and it’s basically the option to complete your workweek responsibilities during non-traditional work hours.

Of course, some employers require their peeps to be in the office during certain hours...like, say, between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm, or for certain meetings...but the general gist is that employees can adjust, or flex, the time they work around their personal needs, as long as they get their stuff done and/or meet the minimum required actual working hours for their position.

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