Kairi Relative Index
Categories: Index Funds, Metrics
The Kairi Relative Index tracks the daily average price of a stock compared to its current deviation from that average. The idea is that the Kairi Relative Index is a simple relative comparison to help you tell in the short-term whether a stock is being overvalued (sell) or undervalued (buy).
If the current price of a stock is higher than the daily average price (for the last two or three weeks), then it’s trading higher than usual, meaning it would be a good time to sell. If the current price is lower than the daily average, then it’d be a not-so-good time to sell, on average.
The Kairi Relative Index is one of many tools under the technical analysis umbrella, and under the type of tool: oscillator, since it's based on the change in price of something over time.
Ride that stock...like it’s way above its daily average price.