Categories: Real Estate, Ethics/Morals
You were gonna demolish the 70-year-old apartment buildings on the far edge of one of your 10-acre parcels in HutzAndClutz. This building had 12 domiciles. 8 were vacant anyway...the other 4 were moving out this week.
But, to your shock and horror, not all 8 were, in fact...vacant.
One of them had a squatter. Some very old man with a long beard had many pairs of animals he had herded into his squalid apartment, certain that the room would soon become a boat. God's revenge for global warming, or something like that.
So you try to get him evicted.
In a Blue State, a lawyer might find that he had egress rights, and that he has the right to squat on your land, even if he never paid you a dime for the privilege. So...you can't tear down the building. Tough noogie. In a Red State, the sheriff would show up with a gun and ask, "Do ya really want me to use this thang?" And he'd...unsquat, his animals neatly following, two by two, behind him.