Love's Labour's Lost Cunning and Cleverness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line)

Quote #4

Now, by the salt wave of the Mediterraneum,
a sweet touch, a quick venue of wit! Snip, snap,
quick and home. It rejoiceth my intellect. True
wit. (5.1.58-61)

Like the lords and ladies, Armado loves to watch a battle of wits. In this case, Moth has gotten the better of Holofernes.

Quote #5

But to speak that in words which his eye hath
I only have made a mouth of his eye
By adding a tongue which I know will not lie. (2.1.264-267)

Boyet is an expert in two things: love and eloquence. In articulating the King's love for the Princess, he puts them together.

Quote #6

Your reasons at
dinner have been sharp and sententious, pleasant
without scurrility, witty without affection, audacious
without impudency, learned without opinion,
and strange without heresy. (5.1.2-6)

In his exaggerated praise for Holofernes, Nathaniel is a parody of a student who blindly admires his teacher's book learning.